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LS Legal News Bulletin

Immigration Audit: Protect Your Business and Avoid Penalties

Immigration Audit: Protect Your Business and Avoid Penalties

Tuesday 20th June 2023

Did you know that the Home Office has the power to conduct onsite compliance inspections on any UK employer without prior notice? If you are an employer in the UK, an immigration audit can help you ensure your organisation is compliant.

At our law firm, we understand that compliance with immigration regulations is critical to the success of your business. Whether you are applying for your first sponsorship licence or renewing an existing one, you may likely be inspected by immigration officials.

As immigration solicitors, we have a comprehensive understanding of the compliance requirements for UK employers. Our immigration audit and compliance service can help you identify and resolve areas of non-compliance to avoid scrutiny and penalties from the Home Office.

During our audit, we will examine several aspects of compliance, including right-to-work document-checking systems, processes to avoid discrimination, and systems addressing immigration and sponsorship requirements. We will provide sample documentation and suggest changes and improvements where necessary.

It is crucial to ensure that you have the required evidence of employees' right to work on file and that your HR systems and processes are compliant. Failure to do so could result in fines of up to £20,000 per worker and, in some cases, even imprisonment.

An immigration audit is essential to ensure that your organisation is compliant and to avoid the stress and penalties of the Home Office site visit. Let us help you secure your business and ensure compliance with immigration regulations. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.