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LS Legal News Bulletin

Entry-Level Visa Sponsorship: Myths & Best Practices

Entry-Level Visa Sponsorship: Myths & Best Practices

Tuesday 13th February 2024
Liliya Scott

Our Founder and Managing Partner, Liliya Scott, shares:

An interesting job ad from ThinkingLinking caught my attention. They not only offer skilled worker visa sponsorship for an entry-level position, but they also emphasise their commitment to diversity and equal opportunities. Here's what they say:

🌍 "ThinkingLinking is an A-rated Skilled Worker visa sponsor authorised by the UK Government's Home Office. As a globally-focused company, we consider applicants from all over the world and are committed, under our 'intensive meritocracy' policy, to sourcing the most talented people globally. We believe in equal opportunity and align with the Fair Market Economy Institute's Open-Minded Market philosophy."

Pretty uncommon, right? It's great to see companies taking such an inclusive approach!

Now, I have a question for all the recruiters in my network: Is the right to work a non-negotiable for you?

💼 Two Myths I Often Hear from My Business Clients:

1️⃣ Myth 1: "Bureaucratic Nightmare"

With my extensive experience of over two decades, I can assure you that visa processes can be made simple and straightforward. When you have a reliable legal partner, navigating visa requirements becomes a breeze.

2️⃣ Myth 2: "Extremely Expensive"

There are multiple ways to fund visa support, benefiting both the employer and the candidate. And here's a little-known fact: visa costs can be tax-offsetable.

So, here's a question for businesses out there: Do you provide visa support for entry-level talent, or is it a road less travelled?