About Us

LS Legal Solicitors is a multi-service, specialist, diverse and dynamic law firm offering a wide range of legal services to businesses and private individuals, domestic and international clients. The high standards of our personalised client care form an important part of our business.
LS Legal Solicitors is headed by Liliya Scott, the Managing Partner with over 15 years of extensive experience behind her. She is aided by other solicitors, trainee solicitors, paralegals and caseworkers, all of whom work together to make LS Legal Solicitors a reputable firm it is today.
Our clients are local and international private individuals and businesses who require advice and representation in Immigration Law and Citizenship by Investment, Civil Litigation and Debt Recovery, Contract Law, Family Law, Employment Law, Housing Law. We further provide Commercial Services, draft Agreements and Powers of Attorney, as well as assist with Legalisation, Certification of Documents and Translations.
We work towards achieving solutions on the most complex matters tailored specifically to your requests. The fees we charge for our legal services are not only competitive but also include dedicated time and expertise on a one to one basis. As part of our commitment to quality and excellence, we cooperate with our trusted partners who can assist with accountancy, investment management, legal funding, franchise and other services. We will set up a team of advisors who can assist you and your business immediately should it be required.
Our objective is to provide high quality legal advice through a professionally managed legal practice that will facilitate our clients' personal matters and business dealings both in the United Kingdom and abroad. We perceive the confidence of our clients as one of our most important assets of our firm and your success is always treated as our own reputation.
We would be delighted to meet with you to discuss our professional legal services in more detail and offer an appointment with one of our solicitors. If you believe that we can be of any assistance to you please do not hesitate to Contact Us.